Club Resources
Want to start your own group on campus? Here’s everything you need to know to get started!
Club Resources
A group consisting of a minimum ten students who wish to apply for Student Government Association recognition as a recognized organization may choose to apply as a “special interest group.”
- A special interest group shall only exist for one semester after its date of recognition, and all clubs must be start as special interest groups before applying as a fully recognized club.
- A special interest group shall have the power to register on-campus events through the Office of Student Activities or their respective affiliated academic department.
- A special interest group may use Student Government Association office resources for the purposes of advertising for any sponsored events.
- A special interest group shall have the power to request, from the Financial Controller, an on-campus account for the purposes of storing any money fundraised on the Washington College campus.
- After the special interest group’s recognition expires, the special interest group must reapply for recognition as either a special interest group or a campus club in order to continue in existence.
- Any funds raised and stored in the on-campus account shall be frozen for one year after the special interest group’s recognition expires.
- If the special interest group is not restarted as either a special interest group or a campus club after its expiration, then the Student Government Association retains the right, after one year of the special interest group’s expiration, to transfer any funds from that group’s account into the general Student Government Association account.
A group consisting of a minimum of fifteen students who wish to apply for Student Government Association recognition as an organization may choose to apply as a “campus club” immediately following their semester as a special interest group.
- The campus club must hold one interest meeting with a representative from the organization committee before handing in a recognition form.
- After the organization committee reviews the recognition form, the president and vice president of the campus club must meet with the organization committee for a brief question and answer session. (Campus clubs may be asked to revise recognition form. If so, they will have to go in front of the organization committee again with revisions.)
- Once approved by senate, the president and advisor will be asked to come before the executive board and sign a contract agreeing to all terms and conditions of being an active club.
- A campus club has permanent recognition with the Student Government Association, given that they follow the criteria of an active club.
- A campus club will automatically have an on-campus account generated for them upon Student Government Association Senate recognition. The purpose for this account is to store any money fundraised.
- For the duration of two semesters, the club will be considered “Class B”. This means the club will be monitored by the organization committee and can be pulled if they are not fulfilling their mission statement or the minimum of fifteen members.
As stated in Article VII of the Student Government Constitution, campus clubs are required to meet the following standards:
- The campus club has an employed faculty of staff advisor on campus.
- The campus club has an active officer team.
- The campus club sponsors at least one all-campus activity on the Washington College campus per semester (this doesn’t apply to academic honor societies).
- The campus club must have a minimum of ten active members every semester (this doesn’t apply to academic honor societies).
Printing Guidelines
Each organization will be allotted maximum 40 color prints per event, and maximum 60 prints for events that are open to the community and require advertisement in Chestertown.
Additionally, each organization will have a total of 80 extra prints per semester
You may use this to print meeting agendas, forms, or any other material.
You may choose to use your extra prints toward more flyers but that is up to the discretion of your organization.
Printing up to the above limits does not need to be budgeted for by individual clubs; it is included in the overall SGA budget automatically. However, if you anticipate exceeding these printing caps, please plan to include more printing funds in your upcoming budget.
The SGA will keep track of your printing history, so if you have any questions in regard to how many prints you have remaining please feel free to reach out!
You must follow the proper printing procedure to receive your prints.
Please be sure to plan ahead because we ask that you email at least 1 week ahead of the date you will need the prints by. Of course, things come up so if you fall after the 1-week deadline please reach out and if we are able to accommodate we will absolutely do so!
If you are the president of multiple organizations you will not be able to transfer remaining prints between organizations.
The Procedure
- Design your flyer! Please be sure to proofread your flyers before sending them in because they will be printed as they are received. Make sure you include important information including time, date, location, and contact person. It is mandatory to ensure the flyer will come out the way you have intended because a Microsoft Word document can often change when switched between computers. SGA is not responsible for the formatting issues with the documents you send.
- Send your flyer or other printing request as a PDF in an email with the subject line "SGA Printing Request — [Club Name]" to the SGA Director of Communications and Marketing, Caroline Drupka, at [email protected].
- Include the number of copies you need, if they should be double or single-sided, B&W or color, and any other information that might be relevant to your request.
- Allow at least 3 days for the request to be fulfilled.
- You will then receive an email notifying you that your prints are ready to be picked up outside of the SGA Office, in the Director of Communications and Marketing mailbox.
Please contact SGA Director of Communications and Marketing, Caroline Drupka, at cdrupka2FREEwashcoll%2C or stop by her office hours with any printing questions.
- A campus club is capable of applying for Student Government Association funds every semester.
- A campus club shall have the power to register on-campus and off-campus events through the Office of Student Affairs or their respective affiliated academic department.
- A campus club may use Student Government Association office resources for the purposes of advertising for these events.
- Campus clubs are eligible to be deactivated by the Student Government Association.